Rose Manor Inn


Built in 1878, Rose Manor Inn is a majestic waterfront property which houses five guests rooms or suites. Bookings include complementary gourmet breakfast, bottomless coffee and tea, wireless high-speed internet, and Fibre OP TV in every guest room. Rose Manor Inn was voted one of Newfoundland & Labrador’s most romantic getaways by Reader’s Digest and Best Victorian Tea by Canadian Living Magazine.


Rooms & Suites: 

The Rose Room Suite offers decadence and luxury, with an exceptional view of the ocean.

The other four guest rooms speak to the centuries-old history of the town:

• The Peter Easton Room is named for the notorious pirate who made his headquarters in Harbour Grace in the early 1600s.

• The Amelia Earhart Room is named for an American aviation pioneer, who started her famous transatlantic flight in Harbour Grace in 1932.

• The SS Kyle Room is named for the famous vessel moored in Harbour Grace since 1967.

• The Bennett Room is named for Thomas R. Bennett, who had the house built in 1878.

Further experience packages can be found on Rose Manor Inn’s website.

43 Water Street East
Harbour Grace, NL A0A 2M0

Erika Pardy & Tanner Coombs
t: (709) 596-1378
tf: (877) 596-1378

Rose Manor Inn Website
Rose Manor Inn Facebook
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Rose Manor Inn Instagram
Teatime at Rose Manor Inn Facebook

Upcoming Events: 





This century old house on Water St East is actually two houses. The contract for the building of the front house was let in September 1878. An agreement drawn up at the time between Thomas R. Bennett and Edward Comer, master carpenter, specified that Bennett would supply materials and that Comer would be paid £85 in three installments for the labour.

The back of the house was a preexisting structure which craftsmanship indicates may predate the 1879 house by forty or fifty years. It was possibly moved a short distance to the present site, to be joined to the newer house.

Thomas R. Bennett was elected to the legislature about 1865 as a member from Fortune Bay, on Newfoundland’s south coast, and subsequently served as Speaker of the House of Assembly. He was appointed to the bench in January 1874, holding the post of Judge of the Northern District Court at the time he built the house in Harbour Grace.

In 1902 Bennett’s widow sold the unit to James Cron, a prominent merchant of Harbour Grace and father of Dr. Charles Cron, a well known local doctor. Cron occupied the place until his death in 1935.

More info: “Profile: Cron House / Thornhill / Bellevue,” Conception Bay Museum (2019)