July 6, 2022:
Call for Bids: Supply of 72-Month Lease for a New Wheel Loader
The Town of Harbour Grace is calling for bids for a 72-month lease for the supply and deliver of one (1) New Wheel Loader. Unit offered shall be new, of the latest design and in current production. Must be able to supply by November 30, 2022. The Bidder must be either a manufacturer, a factory branch, or an agent engaged in the business of selling, dealing in and servicing equipment supplied and must maintain a reasonable stock of parts, with service to be provided upon request.
Specifications may be obtained at the Council Office.
Individual Bids must be clearly marked: “Bid for 72-Month Lease of New Wheel Loader” will be accepted up to 12 p.m. (noon) on July 21, 2022.
The Bids will be opened publicly on July 21, 2022, at 12 p.m. (noon) at the Town of Harbour Grace Council Office, 112 Water Street, Harbour Grace, NL, A0A 2M0. Any questions should be directed to Amy Parsons, Town Clerk/Manager, by phone at (709) 596-3631 or email at amyparsons@www.hrgrace.ca.
Lowest or any bud not necessarily accepted. Procurement process is subject to Access to Information and Privacy Act, 2015. The financial value of the contract will be publicly released with the award notification.
Notice posted Wednesday, July 6, 2022.